I dunno…IMHO, Presidential Pardon (“air quotes”) notwithstanding, the mere fact that we continue to debate Pete’s HOF induction, pretty much has him in there, already—but for the bronze plaque. Charlie Hustle will likely be in the conversation until Father Time attrits out-of-existence, any of those who witnessed him play. He accomplished remarkable feats by out-working everyone, longer than anyone ever has…and that’s why we still talk about him (with a mental asterisk)…he simply ended it all, with feet of clay…
One of my favorite Super Bowl commercials (2015) was Pete Rose “In The Hall” (purportedly of his home)…strolling past all of his awards and memorabilia in his Relaxed Skechers…with the female tagline, stepping in from a side room, “Pete! you’re not supposed to be in the hall!” To which he replied, “I can’t’ catch a break.”
I dunno…IMHO, Presidential Pardon (“air quotes”) notwithstanding, the mere fact that we continue to debate Pete’s HOF induction, pretty much has him in there, already—but for the bronze plaque. Charlie Hustle will likely be in the conversation until Father Time attrits out-of-existence, any of those who witnessed him play. He accomplished remarkable feats by out-working everyone, longer than anyone ever has…and that’s why we still talk about him (with a mental asterisk)…he simply ended it all, with feet of clay…
One of my favorite Super Bowl commercials (2015) was Pete Rose “In The Hall” (purportedly of his home)…strolling past all of his awards and memorabilia in his Relaxed Skechers…with the female tagline, stepping in from a side room, “Pete! you’re not supposed to be in the hall!” To which he replied, “I can’t’ catch a break.”